Reinventing the Old Florida Style

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January, 1978 Grand Opening New Years Party

Except for a curious egret, you are alone outside the Collier Inn and feel a bit nostalgic. Something about saying hello and goodbye at the same time. As if the past is repeating itself in a different way. "The guests" present for the 1977 New Year's party - as the Collier Register noted thirty years earlier in 1947 -- certainly did have "one large house party." That house party in 1947 marked an ending; this one will hopefully mark a new beginning. And it obviously is not an ending, since the motor launch taking the partygoers off the island is back with everyone on board, fogged in and relegated to spending the night … let's see, on couches - not many of those, how about chairs -- lots but not a beauty rest for sure -- but then there's always the hardwood floors and a dinner jacket pillow. You see, the plumbing works but there is no proverbial "room at the inn."


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